Four Points on the 4-Point: Forming a Reasonable, Defensible Approach to Defect Recognition

An Industry in Turmoil

In the complex world of real estate transactions, home inspections play a crucial role, yet they are often clouded by misunderstanding and variability. Inspectors are frequently caught between being overly cautious and minimizing issues to appease realtors, a dynamic that can ultimately compromise the integrity of inspections. This blog explores the challenges posed by the current lack of standardized practices in 4-Point inspections and introduces a robust solution that promises consistency, fairness, and clarity for all parties involved in a property transaction.

Illustrating the Problem in Four Points:

  1. Varying Standards: The absence of standardized guidelines leads to inconsistencies in inspection results, causing confusion among real estate agents, homeowners, and insurers.
  2. Subjective Interpretations: Inspectors often fall into extremes—either underreporting to stay in favor with realtors or overreporting out of fear of liability. This inconsistency can undermine trust in the inspection process.
  3. Unnecessary Costs: Overly cautious or uninformed reporting can lead to unnecessary repairs, increasing costs for homeowners and potentially delaying real estate transactions.
  4. Power to Insurance Carriers: The lack of clear standards often gives insurance carriers undue influence over the inspection outcomes, potentially leading to unfavorable terms for homeowners.

Providing the Solution:

To address these issues, I developed a set of clear, defensible standards and a decision-making logic tree that defines the process by which deficiencies become insurance concerns. This system:

  • Ensures consistency across all inspections.
  • Clarifies what should be reported, distinguishing critical issues from minor ones.
  • Empowers inspectors to make reasoned judgments backed by a structured approach.
  • Is approved by regulatory bodies, lending it credibility and official backing.


Implementing these standardized protocols in 4-Point inspections fundamentally shifts the landscape, enhancing the professionalism of inspectors and the trustworthiness of the inspection process. With these tools, inspectors can provide balanced, precise assessments that serve all parties fairly—ultimately supporting smoother transactions and fostering a more transparent real estate market.

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